====== GED Participants and Graduates ====== Coordinate with the GED instructor (Ann-Margaret Utt) directly to **Create New School Enrollment** on the //Transfer Info// page of PowerSchool with the start of the GED program participation using W016/E099 exit and entry codes. To find the GED Students in PowerSchool, you might need to check the **Include Remote Enrollments** checkbox.\\ Search for the Homeroom with the name of the GED Instructor (Ann-Margaret Utt).\\ **EXAMPLE:** ///Entrydate>=8/9/2023;home_room contains Utt//\\ Look for GED students missing the GED Program Code:\\ ///Entrydate>=8/9/2023;home_room contains Utt;S_VA_STU_X.GED_Program_Code#2//\\ All GED Participants need the GED Program Code set for the Student Record Collection Report (SRC) In addition, the GED Graduates need these data fields populated in PowerSchool: The following fields need to be populated for all GED graduates and the same settings need to be made on the Schedule Setup page. Pay careful attention to the Graduation Date and exitdate. These dates need to line up with the GED Instructor's records. Contact the GED Coordinator directly to ensure all the information is reflected in PowerSchool for the students at the student's Home School. {{:powerschool:powerschool:graduates:remoteenrollments.png?400}} **Note:** //The importance of the Attendance page needs to be addressed between the High Schools and the GED Instructor.// All of the codes must be accurate for the State reports to be accurate as well. Use the full set of Present, UNX, RLP, RLE, RLU and others where appropriate. State/Province-VA: General Tab Record this field for all students in the GED program: * GED Program Code = **ISAEP (2)** Record these fields for all graduates of the GED program: * Grad / Other Completer Code = **GED Certificate as a part of an ISAEP (8)** * Graduation Plan Code State/Province-VA: Transcript Tab * Diploma Type = Other Diploma (3) * Graduation Date = {{:powerschool:powerschool:graduates:gedtranscripttab.png}} Transfer Information Page: * Transfer the student out, as of the //day after// the graduation date * Record the ExitCode as **W731** (not W730) * Include the Transfer Comment **Graduated with GED** {{:powerschool:powerschool:graduates:gedtransinfo.png}} ***** This image needs to be updated to include the Grad Other Comp = (8) {{:powerschool:powerschool:graduates:gedgradcodes.png}}