====== Preschool Standards in PowerTeacher Pro ====== DRAFT Instructions -- please wait and don't print this out, save a forest and view on-line {{ :powerschool:powerteacher:2017ptprostandards.docx}} - version 1.0 on 7/31/17 ===== To Enter the Report Card Comment ===== - Select **Homeroom** from the Current Classes list. - Click in the **Report Card Comment** column corresponding to the student for the current Quarter grade (Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4). - Type in the individual comment or click on the conversation bubble icon on the top right of the screen. - Click on the **Comment Bank** at the bottom of the right-hand tools. - Click on the **+** to add the comment(s) to the text box. - Select the Calculator Icon to return to the original toolset. - Fill down if desired. - Each student will have a blue conversation bubble, in the grade cell to signify a Comment has been added. {{:powerschool:powerteacher:pkreportcardcomment.png}} ===== Preschool Progress Report Card ===== To Proofread a Sample of the Student’s Report Card before they are Printed: * After logging into to Power Teacher https://powerschoolapp.wcs.k12.va.us/teachers.\\ * Select **Reports** from the Navigation Menu. * Choose **General PreK Report Card 2017-18** from the drop down menu and click **Submit**. * The report will take a few moments to process. **Running** will be displayed during the process. When the report is finished, the status will change to **Completed**. * Click **View** to display the report. * Use the trashcan icon to dispose of the specific report, if desired.