====== Publishing with FileZilla ====== [[http://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla]] is a program that you can use on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux to transfer files between your computer and a remote server. In this case, you can use it to transfer files to your website. ===== Setting up a Publishing Site ===== - Open FileZilla - Click on File - Click Site Manager - Click New Site - Type in the name for the connection (e.g. AES Web) - Click in the text area labeled Host: and type ftp.wcs.k12.va.us - From the dropdown box labeled Logontype: Select Ask for password - In the text area labeled User: put in your web publishing username. - Click OK to complete the setup. ===== Getting Started ===== To connect to your website: - Click the black arrow underneath File to select the site that you set up previously. - Type in your password and click OK. You should see My Desktop and My Computer and all drives listed under the window pane labeled Local Site: and possibly some folders in the pane Labeled Remote S ite: Below these panes you will see in the pane below Local Site: another listing of drives or the files in the last directory that you had clicked when in the program last. In the pane below Remote Site: are the files on your website. You may drag and drop files between your website and your local computer or vice-versa .