The Custom Reports serve many purposes to analyze the student's data. One report namely the Gradebook Vs. Stored Grades report is very useful in listing all the grades that have been changed in the Teacher's gradebook after the grades were stored, but not updated in Historical Grades at the end of the quarter. The report cards and the transcripts reflect only the Stored Grades found on the Historical Grades page. The Semester and the Year-long grades are only calculated from the Gradebook grades. Therefore, it is important to update both grades each time a change is made.
Click on the Stored grade column to access the blue link in the report that directs you to the change page.
Once the grades have been identified in the report, the Guidance Counselor or Office Staff must manually change the Historical Grade for the specific student to make the correction complete. Once the stored grade is fixed, the past quarter grades will show on the future report cards. The teacher also needs to update the Gradebook grade if something changes on the Historical Grade page.
Note: The grade calculation for S1, S2, Y1, Z1 and F1, are calculated directly from the Gradebook and not the Stored Grades.