Summer Graduates

After the school year has ended, update the records for the summer school students:

Once summer school has ended and BEFORE the Summer SRC, each school has the responsibility to manually enter the summer school Historical Grades and set the Summer School flag as Yes for each stored grade.

If the previously retained seniors satisfy the requirements for graduation during summer school, update the PowerSchool record after the End-of-Year SRC is completed and BEFORE the EOY Process (so final transcripts can be ran) and Summer SRC is submitted.

Graduates previously thought to be returning in the fall

1. You will need to make sure that the following information is accurate and complete in PowerSchool before the school can print his diploma/transcript and withdraw him.

a. Verify that his name, address, home phone is accurate on the demographics page.

b. Verify that his final grades are recorded on the Historical Grades page.

c. Verify that all pertinent data is there including but not limited to Graduate/Other Completer Code, and Graduation Plan Code on the State/Province – VA page - General tab.

d. Enter the Diploma Type, and his actual graduation date on the State/Province – VA page - Transcript tab.

e. Reply All to this email letting us know when his record is ready for the next step.

2. Someone at the school will print the diploma and transcript before withdrawing him with a W730.

3. I will need to adjust his record to show last years enrollment as his graduation record and move it to the Graduated School in PowerSchool once Lisa has updated the summer SRC.