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Integrade Tips and Tricks
I. How to Remove Inactive Students
You are not actually removing a student from your gradebook, you are just making it so you do not see them on your list. At the bottom left of your gradebook, uncheck the “Show Inactive Students” box. You can re-check this at any time to see the inactive students again.
II. Bulk Fill Grades
You can mass-assign grades to all students in your class. For example, if only one person scored lower than a 100 on a participation grade, you could bulk fill 100’s for all but that one student.
Open your gradebook to the class whose scores you want to bulk fill.
Click “Tasks” on the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click “Bulk Fill”.
Click the students you want to fill. Click “All” if you want all students.
Check the task or tasks you want to fill.
Enter the score you want to use in “New Score”.
In most cases, you want to check “Replace Only Empty Scores”.
Click “Fill”.
You should be able to look at your gradebook and see all the scores filled in for all students in your class. Repeat for each class you want to bulk fill.
III. Locking Scores
You can lock scores after you have finished entering grades. This can prevent anyone from accidentally changing a grade by mistake.
Click “Tasks” from the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click “Edit Tasks”.
Click the “Points” tab
Check the “Scores Locked” option.
Click “Close” when finished. If you later want to change scores for this task, just follow the same procedure and uncheck “Scores Locked”.
IV. Automatically Dropping the Lowest Score
This feature will automatically drop the lowest score or scores from a group of tasks. You can also restore the dropped scores later if you change your mind.
Click “Tasks” on the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click “Drop/Restore Scores”.
Check “Drop Scores”
Click “Next”.
Select the Students. (usually All)
You can use the "Filter button” to filter the students allowed to drop a score. For instance, every student with an average greater than an 80 can drop one grade. You can also use the “extra” fields” or groups in Integrade to mark certain students and then use this filter.
Select the tasks.
If you are using task types (homework, quizzes, tests, etc) you can use the “Filter” button to select only tasks of a particular type. For example, if the students get to drop their lowest quiz grade, you could select only quiz scores to drop. This is sometimes easier than checking every single quiz manually.
Click “Next”.
Click “Drop”.
The dropped scores will appear as “Drop” from now on.
If you need to restore dropped grades, go to “Tasks” and click “Drop/Restore Scores”.
Check “Restore Previously Dropped Scores” and then click “Next”.
Choose the students and tasks to restore. (you CAN choose all tasks if you are unsure which tasks you dropped grades from)
Click “Restore” and all the grades should be back.
Note: If a student has a blank or excused grade, the program will "drop" that one, but will not mark it "dropped". The only way to get around this is to re-do the drop for just that student. Pick just that student(s) instead of All and check all but the tasks that are blank/excused.
V. Curving Scores
Select the class whose scores you want to curve from the “Class” dropdown menu.
Click the appropriate spreadsheet from the “Spreadsheet” dropdown menu.
Click “Tasks” on the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click “Curve Scores”.
Click the method you want to use – either “High/Low” or “Mean/Standard Deviation”.
Click “Next”.
Click the task you want to curve.
Click “Next”.
Enter the specifications for the method you chose. If you selected High/Low, you enter a new high and new low score. If you selected Mean/Standard Deviation, you enter a new mean and standard deviation.
Click “Next” when finished.
The next screen asks if you want to create a new task with the curved scores or replace the old task. We recommend that you pick “Put scores in a new task”. That way, if you do not like the results, you can delete that task later and still have your existing scores. If you want to keep the curved scores instead, you can delete the original task later.
Enter the name of the curved task.
Click “Next”.
Click “Curve”.
Important Note: The new curved score does not calculate in the average yet. If you decide to keep the curved scores, you must give the task weighting. (Go to “Tasks”, “Edit Tasks” and on the “Points” tab, change the scale factor to a “1”.)
VI. Keeping Track of Misc. Info in Integrade
You can keep track of any number of things for each student in Integrade besides just grades. Things like book numbers, forms turned in, etc.
Click “Setup” on the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click “Display”.
Click the “Extra Field Titles” tab.
You can change the names of the extra fields to whatever you would like. Click “Close” when finished.
Then click “Setup” on the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click “Students”. (you can change the student’s first name to reflect nicknames, if you want)
Click the “School” tab. You will see the extra fields you renamed here. You can enter in whatever information you would like.
Click “Contacts”. You can enter email addresses here for as many parents as it lists for each student in order to email progress reports to parents. However, if your school enters email addresses in SASI, those addresses will overwrite changes you make here. It is best to let the school secretaries know to enter a new or updated email address.
VII. Using Groups in Integrade
You can use Groups in Integrade to do many different things. You can setup groups according to gender, a reading group, or specify a particular child that is different from the others. You can setup specific grading rules for a specific student; add notes to a specific group of students, keep track of different groups, print progress reports for only specific groups, etc. There will be an entire set of instructions for Groups in Integrade available soon.
VIII. Ask for Help when needed - Integrade’s Most Important Tip!
It is far better to ask for help than to muddle through if you are confused or something is not working properly. Ask as SOON as you notice a problem. It is much easier to recover from problems if you ask for help before doing more damage (even if unintentional). Every school has an Integrade point of contact. If that person doesn’t know the answer or can’t figure something out, they will contact someone at the Central Office who can.