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Student Progress Reports
I. Printing Student Progress Reports
Open Integrade Pro and open your current gradebook.
Click "Reports" on menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click "Student Progress".
All the "Students" and all the "Tasks" should be checked by default. Uncheck any that you do not want to include. You can also use Filters to choose only students in certain Groups, who made certain grades, etc.
You can choose just averages, a list of tasks, missing tasks, incompletes, etc. Customize this to your needs and your school’s standards. When finished, click "Next".
You will see a preview screen of the report. If it looks good, click "Print". If you want to make changes, click "Setup" at the top left and make changes until you like the format, then select "Print".
II. Emailing Student Progress Reports
In order to email student progress reports, parent email addresses need to be entered into SASI in the Parent atom.
Open Integrade Pro and open your current gradebook.
Click "Reports" on menu bar at the top of your gradebook
Click “Email Student Progress”. If you get an error at this point, something was not setup correctly in your "Communication" settings. Follow the "Configuring Integrade for Emailing" instructions below.
You will see the "Email Progress Report" screen.
You will notice towards the bottom there is an
HTML checkbox. If you uncheck this box, the progress report might not look as nice, but some email systems block
HTML emails.
You will see a BCC checkbox. If you check this, it will send a copy of your reports to your email address as well. Keep in mind this could be a LOT of emails, but you will get a copy of exactly what was sent out.
All the "Students" and all the "Tasks" should be checked by default. Uncheck any that you do not want to include. You can also use Filters to choose only students in certain Groups, who made certain grades, etc.
You can choose just averages, a list of tasks, missing tasks, incompletes, etc. Customize this to your needs and your school’s standards. When finished, click "Next".
You will see a preview screen of the report. If it looks good, click "Send All". If you want to make changes, click "Setup" at the top left and make changes until you like the format, then select "Send All".
You will receive a message stating how many emails were sent. Click "OK".
Note: If a student is missing an email address in contacts, you will get a message stating that when you click "Send All"
Configuring Integrade for Emailing
Click "Setup" on the menu bar at the top of your gradebook.
Click "Communication".
The "General" tab shows your name under "Teacher Name". Type your full email address under "Teacher Email" and website information below if you want that included on progress reports.
Click the "Email" tab.
The dropdown menu at the top should say "Sendmail (SMTP)".
The "Email Server" should say
For "Account Name", type ONLY the login name of your email address. That's the part BEFORE the
Leave the "server requires auth