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Kronos InTouch Time Clocks

We are starting to install the new touchscreen time clocks in several locations around the county. They work a little differently than the older models.

The clock screens will vary, depending on whether they are setup to allow transfers or clocking in for special duties. There are sections below that cover both scenarios.

Clock In/Out From Date/Time Screen

  • If the clock is not setup to allow transfers or special clock-ins, the default screen will show the date/time in large letters:
  • To clock in or out, touch the keyboard icon at the bottom right of the screen. This will bring up an onscreen keyboard:
  • Punch in your employee ID and press Enter. The screen will confirm your punch:

Clock In/Out From Screen with Special Buttons

  • If the clock is setup to allow transfers or special clock-ins, the default screen will show several special buttons:
  • If you just want to clock in or out normally, press the keyboard button at the bottom right of the screen. This will bring up an onscreen keyboard:
  • Punch in your employee ID and press Enter. The screen will confirm your punch:

Clock In/Out for Transfers or Special Duties

  • If the clock is setup to allow transfers or special clock-ins, the default screen will show several special buttons:
  • Press the button for the transfer or special job duty for which you are punching in/out. Use the arrows on the right and left to scroll through the options if there are more than will fit on a single screen. Once you press the button, the onscreen keyboard will appear. The button you pressed will show at the top left:
  • Punch in your employee ID and press Enter. The screen will confirm your punch:
kronos/kronos_intouch.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/15 10:42 by jlester