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Assigning Counselor Access in PowerSchool

Up to two school staff members can now be designated as counselors for an individual student in Powerschool. This is similar to the way PowerTeacher works in that the counselor can only see the students they are assigned to when they log into PowerSchool. This is made possible through the use of a new User Access Role permission and PowerSchool being assigned to the teacher, performed by the division PS admin.

Once being assigned the counselor role by the division PS admin, all school counselors are then available to be assigned to students individually using the Modify Info student screen or for multiple students using a group function. To get a list of students who are assigned a counselor search on "Counselor # " or you can use Data Export Manager to get a list of students and their counselors. Use the dataset called "Student Counselor Assignment". to get a list of assigned counselors for your school select the dataset called "Staff with Counselor Role".

Note that Washington County is utilizing the Counselor Access role to allow Special Education teachers view only access to the students on their case load. They will be able to access demographics, historical grades, test results, and enrollment information in PowerSchool. This is not to be confused with PowerTeacher access as the teacher must be logged out of PowerTeacher to be able to access PowerSchool.

How to Assign a Counselor to an Individual Student

1. On the start page, search for and select a student.

2. Under Information, choose Modify Info from the student pages menu.

3. Click Add Counselor to assign a counselor to the student if needed or click on the counselor name to change the selected counselor (if a teacher isn't listed in the counselor list please contact the division PS admin).

4. Search for the counselors and click Select.

5. Indicate the primary counselor.

6. Click Save. The student should now show the counselor on the page.

7. Click Submit to save all changes to the Modify Info page.

8. Let teacher(s) know that they can now log into PowerSchool to access the students historical data.

How to Mass Assign a Counselor to a Group of Students

The Mass Assign Counselor page allows you to assign a counselor to a group of selected students.

Before assigning a counselor or multiple counselors, you should search for and select a group of students for which you want to assign a counselor. To quickly identify any students who do not currently have a counselor assigned, search for Counselor= (this reads counselor equals blank) and initiate the search.

You can modify the student group you are working with by clicking the number of students from the Mass Assign Counselor page and updating the selection as needed.

1. Navigate to the Mass Assign Counselor page.

2. Within the current student selection, you can further specify a group of students by filtering for a specific initial or name, or grade. For instance, if you are working with 12th grade and want to assign Counselor X to students with a last name beginning with A, you can filter for Last Name A.

3. Search for the counselor or counselors you want to assign to this group of students (if a teacher isn't listed in the counselor list please contact the division PS admin).

4. Click Select for the counselor you want to assign.

5. Select the logic you want to apply for this counselor assignment:

  • Assign to Students without Existing Counselor will assign the counselor to students who do not currently have a counselor assigned.
  • Replace Existing Counselor will replace all existing counselors with the selected counselor.
  • Assign as Primary Counselor will assign the selected counselor as the primary counselor. Existing assigned counselors will become secondary counselors.
  • Assign as Secondary Counselor will assign the selected counselor as a secondary counselor.

6. Click Save.

7. Let teacher(s) know that they can now log into PowerSchool to access the students historical data.

How to Remove Counselor From an Individual Student

1. On the start page, search for and select a student.

2. Under Information, choose Modify Info from the student pages menu.

3. Click on the counselor name to show the Counselor List page.

4. Click on Selected to deselect the counselor.

5. Click Save to close the Counselor List page.

6. Click Submit on the Modify Info page to save the changes.

Various Counselor Searches

  • To find students with a primary disability but not assigned to a counselor (SpEd teacher). Once you have your selection go to the list student funciton and enter *counselor in one of the rows to list the students along with their primary counselor.
    • S_VA_STU_X.Primary_Disability_Code # ;Counselor =
  • To find students with a counselor (SpEd teacher) assigned to them.
    • Counselor #
powerschool/powerschool/assigning_counselors.1715187955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/08 13:05 by jrhea