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Incident Management Reports Custom Reports

Count By Code - Provides a count of incidents for each code type, main code, and sub-code.
Count By Code Breakout - Provides a count of incidents for each code type, main code, and sub-code, while also providing a breakdown based on gender, grade level and ethnicity.
Incident Search - Lists incidents by the chosen filter options of School, Code Type, Category, Sub-Category, and a specified date range.
Incidents with Multiple Offenders
Incidents with Non-Student as an Offender
Incidents without an Offender
Student Discipline Summary
Student Discipline Count
Students without any Incidents
Suspension List
Violence and Vandalism
Setup Validation - Details
Setup Validation - Summary
powerschool/powerschool/incidentmgmt.1419018906.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/19 14:55 by lokes