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Live Scheduling Custom Reports

Course Demographics - This report shows the student demographics broken out by course
Course Enrollment Counts - Count of the number of sections and number of students enrolled in those sections for all courses for the year.
Current Courses - Shows the scheduled classes for students based on the time the report is created.
Multiple Enrollments - Shows students who are enrolled in the same course multiple times for the same term.
No Room Assigned - Find all sections that have no room assigned for a specified term, period and day in the rotation.
Room Availability - Find all available rooms for a specified term, period and day in the rotation.
Room Conflicts - Find all rooms that have more than 1 section scheduled during a day and period.
Section Load - Find Section information such as Course name, Expresstion, Active, Max and Grade breakdown.
Student Free - Find all periods where a student in this school does not have a course on a given day.
Teacher Class Counts Report - Counts # of students and sections and give average # of students/section.
Teacher Free - Find all periods where a teacher in this school does not have a course on a given day.
powerschool/powerschool/livescheduling.1423159922.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/05 13:12 by lokes