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Mid-Term Progress Report

For those teachers that are using PowerTeacher Pro they may have figured out by now that there is not an option to print the Student Multi-Section Report (used as a mid-term progress report) that is available in the traditional gradebook. To accommodate those teachers I created a substitute report in PowerSchool and PowerTeacher called Mid-Term Progress report. It can be ran by someone in PowerSchool by going to Print Reports for a selected group of students or by teachers in PowerTeacher reports using the directions below.

  1. Log into PowerTeacher (where attendance is taken).
  2. On the Current Classes page, click the Reports (printer) icon next to the class for which you want to run a report (homeroom for middle/elementary or a certain period for high school). The Print Class Reports page appears.
  3. Choose the *Mid-Term Progress report.
  4. Choose the selected number of students on the "For which students?" line.
  5. Leave the rest of the options on their default settings.
  6. Click Submit. They may take a few minutes to run.

powerschool/powerschool/mid-term.1479325436.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/16 14:43 by lokes