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powerschool:powerschool:sectionreadinessreport [2015/10/16 09:09]
powerschool:powerschool:sectionreadinessreport [2024/05/16 16:01] (current)
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 ====== Section Readiness Report ====== ====== Section Readiness Report ======
-Before initiating the Grade Storing Processrun the Section Readiness Report from PowerTeacher Administrator (PT Administrator)This will report all the teachers for the school and list those that have not finalized their grades to date.+During the End of Term processadministrators can verify the status of final grades in all sections by running the Section Readiness report in PowerSchool For this report to work properly, teachers MUST mark final grades as complete for each course under the current term (or enter comments indicating the statuses). PowerSchool administrators can view the statuses and comments on the Section Readiness page in PowerSchool by following these instructions.
-{{ :powerschool:powerschool:section_readiness.png |}}+1In the main menu on the left of the Start Page, click System Reports (under the Reports heading) 
 +  * **Note that in the Enhanced User Interface the Section Readiness Report is located under Data and Reporting > Reports > System Reports > Additional School Level Reports**
-Once the grades have been finalized for the current quarter, inform the SIS Technicians to store the grades for . The historical grades are then displayed on the report card.+2. Under Additional School Level Reports, click Section Readiness (the Section Readiness page appears with the list of teachers, their courses, and final grade verification statuses) 
 +3. To filter the list by reporting term, open the Reporting Term menu in the filter area at the top of the page and select the term, the current quarter term.  If the class is an exploratory choose the mini, or trimester term. 
 +4. To see which sections are not complete, open the Verified Status menu in the filter area and select Not Complete 
 +5. Click Apply 
 +6. Use the navigation features at the bottom of the page to scroll through the results 
 +7. To narrow the list of results to a single teacher, click the + sign to add a filter option 
 +8. Open the additional filter menu and select Teacher Name 
 +9. Enter the teacher's name, such as Abram, in the filter field 
 +10.Click Apply 
 +Once the grades have been finalized for the current quarter, inform the SIS Technicians to store the grades for your school. The historical grades are then displayed on the report card.
powerschool/powerschool/sectionreadinessreport.1445000970.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/16 09:09 by lokes