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powerschool:powerteacher:start [2017/12/15 14:15]
powerschool:powerteacher:start [2024/12/16 11:12] (current)
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-====== PowerTeacher Information ======+====== PowerTeacher and PowerTeacher Pro Information ======
-Washington County uses PowerTeacher to take attendance and record grades. If you need help with using the software, please contact your building ITRT and/or technology coordinator for assistance.+Washington County uses PowerTeacher to take attendance and view student screens.  PowerTeacher Pro is used to record grades and run reports. If you need help with using the software, please contact your building ITRT and/or technology coordinator for assistance.
-**[[PTOverview|PowerTeacher and PT Gradebook Overview]]** - OBSOLETE\\ +**[[PTOverview|PowerTeacher Quick Reference Guide]]**\\ 
-**[[PTProOverview|PowerTeacher and PT Pro Overview]]** - UNDER CONSTRUCTION\\ +**[[PTMobileApp|PowerTeacher (ProMobile App]]**\\
-**[[PTMobileApp|PowerTeacher Mobile App]]**\\ +
- +
-**Gradebook** +
-  * [[GradeSetup|Grade Setup]] +
-  * [[powerschool:powerteacher:ptlaunchinstaller|Gradebook Launch Setup]] - OBSOLETE+
 **Report Cards** **Report Cards**
-  * [[ExamExemption|Exam Exemption]] 
   * [[ChangeGrades|Grade Change Form]]   * [[ChangeGrades|Grade Change Form]]
-  * [[kindergarten_standards|Kindergarten Standards in PTG]] - OBSOLETE +  * [[KG_standards|Kindergarten Standards]] 
-  * [[KG_standards|Kindergarten Standards in PTPro]] - UNDER CONSTRUCTION +  * [[MidTermReports|Mid Term Reports]] 
-  * [[MidTermReports|Mid Term Reports]] - UNDER CONSTRUCTION +  * [[PK_standards|Preschool Standards]] 
-  * [[PK_standards|Preschool Standards in PTPro]] - UNDER CONSTRUCTION +  * [[ProgressReportsPTPro|Progress Reports (1st-12th)]] 
-  * [[ProgressReports|Progress Reports using PTG]] - OBSOLETE +  * [[Comments|Report Card Comments (1-12 grades)]] 
-  * [[ProgressReportsPTPro|Progress Reports (1st-12th) using PTPro]] +  * [[StandardError|Standards Grade Error]]
-  * [[Comments|Report Card Comments (1-12 grades)]] - UNDER CONSTRUCTION+
 **[[.:Resources|Resources]]** **[[.:Resources|Resources]]**
   * [[moodle:start|Moodle]]   * [[moodle:start|Moodle]]
-  * PowerSource [[]] +  * PowerSource [[]]
-  * {{:powerschool:powerteacher:powerteacher_quickrefcard.pdf}}+
   * PowerTeacher Pro YouTube Training videos [[]]   * PowerTeacher Pro YouTube Training videos [[]]
 **School Year Processes** **School Year Processes**
-  * [[attendace | Attendance]]+  * [[..:attendace| Attendance]]
   * [[daily | Daily Procedures]]   * [[daily | Daily Procedures]]
-  * [[end_of_term | End of Term Procedures]] 
-  * [[end_of_year_elementary|End of Year PowerTeacher Elementary]] - UNDER CONSTRUCTION 
   * [[FinalizeGrades|Finalize Grades]]   * [[FinalizeGrades|Finalize Grades]]
powerschool/powerteacher/start.1513365301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/15 14:15 by lokes