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Attendance Queries

I. Attendance Error Queries

Blank Enrollment Line (No Enter or Leave Code)

This will check for any student record that may have a line of enrollment history with no enter or leave code in it (which should never be). If you find this to be the case you need to contact Technology Dept. at extension 3060. These need to be fixed before you run your monthly attendance reports.

DISPLAY AENR ASTU PermNum UF LastName FirstName IF TransYear = "2007" AND SchoolAttn = "XXX" AND EnterCode = " " AND LeaveCode = " "

Notes: Link ASTU to AENR by dragging the stulink field from the first column to the very top of the second column. s "Stulink" should appear on the column heading. The "XXX" is your school number. (Can be found at the bottom of SASI desktop) Make sure SHOW INACTIVE RECORDS is selected at the bottom left. If any names pop up on this list, then contact extension 3060. If you get a red message at the bottom left saying "No matching records", then you had no errors.

Hidden Absences

This will tell you if you have any hidden absences, but you can not actually correct them. Contact extension 3060 to get these errors corrected. Make sure SHOW INACTIVE RECORDS is selected.

DAILY (Elementary and Middle only)

Display ASTU AATD ID LN FN AbsDate AbsCode1 AbsCode2 IF AbsDate > LeaveDate AND LeaveDate > " "

PERIOD (High School)

Display ASTU AATP ln fn id status PeriodDate AllDayAbs IF PeriodDate > LeaveDate AND LeaveDate > " "

II. TOTAL ALL E's Query for Principal's Monthly

When you turn in your Principal's Monthly Attendance Report at the end of every month, a printout of this query must be included. The number you get on this query must match line B of your Principal's Monthly Report. If it does not, please contact extension 3060 for assistance in correcting the problem.

TOTAL AENR ASTU Status IF EN |- E AND TransYear = "07" AND SchoolAttn = "xxx" AND Grade <> "PK"

Notes: Link ASTU to AENR by dragging the stulink field from the first column to the very top of the second column. s "Stulink" should appear on the column heading. The "XXX" is your school number. (Can be found at the bottom of SASI desktop) Make sure SHOW INACTIVE RECORDS is selected at the bottom left.

III. Parent Note Limit

This query will show you all students who have reached 6 parent notes.

sasixp/attendance_queries.1178038831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/05/01 13:38 (external edit)