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Calculating Cumulative GPA

  1. Open the Update Course History atom and select the Calculate GPA

option. When the Calculate screen displays, select the Calculate

      Cumulative GPAs for students.
  -   To include grades from the Grading file, select Include Current Grades. 
      When the Grading Mark field displays, select an item from the list. (A
      list displays only if multiple marks are defined for the reporting period.)
  -   To rank GPAs within grade levels, select Calculate Class Rankings for 
      Students and either the Active Students Only or All Students option. If
      you also selected the Calculate Cumulative GPAs for Students option, 
      the system first calculates the GPAs, then ranks them within the
      selected grade level (and track if applicable).
  -   To calculate grades for a specific grade range, select Calculate Grd
      Range. Then choose the grade range in the From and To fields.
  -   If your school is a track school and you want to calculate GPAs for a
      specific track, select a track from the pop-up list in the Track to 
      Transfer field.
sasixp/calculating_cumulative_gpa.1169841363.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/01/26 15:02 (external edit)