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sasixp:gifted_mailing_labels [2006/12/07 08:27]
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-==== Using SASI Query to Create Address Labels for Gifted Students ==== 
-Before performing this particular query each Gifted & Talented student must be flagged in the Student Atom. There is a "Gifted & Talented" checkbox at the bottom of "Page 3" that should be checked for ALL Gifted students. Verify that all Gifted & Talented students are marked appropriately by running a matrix. Click on the square beside "Gifted & Talented" and click "Find". Once all are marked appropriately create the following query in the Query Atom.  
-  - Open your Query atom. 
-  - Choose "Labels" from the dropdown on the left. 
-  - Highlight the following query starting with the \ symbol and ending with the last quotation mark.  \ "  PrntGuard \ "  Re: "  FirstName" MiddleName" LastName \ "  MailAddr \ "  City", "  State"  ZipCode IF  Gifted = "X" 
-  - Right-click on the highlighted portion and choose "Copy". 
-  - Go back to SASI, after the ASTU add a space. Then right-click and choose "Paste". 
-  - Click "Print" Note: It is recommended you check the "preview" box above the print button in order to see the labels before they get sent to your printer. If that is checked, click "Preview". 
-  - A screen will ask what type of labels. Most people will be using "Avery 3 across". Choose that from the drop-down and click "OK". 
-  - Another screen will ask for a printer. Verify the correct printer is chosen and click "Print". 
-  - The labels will now be sent to the printer. If you did a preview, you will see the labels on your screen. Click "File" and "Print" or click the printer icon on your screen and then click "Print". 
sasixp/gifted_mailing_labels.1165498026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/12/07 08:33 (external edit)