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sasixp:honor_roll_reports [2006/11/09 08:53]
ginac created
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-==== ======= Running Honor Roll Reports in SASI == == === ==== 
-Only run your honor roll report after the teachers have made sure the grades are accurate. This will prevent you from having to redo them later if someone needs a grade changed. 
-If you already have your honor roll reports setup from previous a previous year, the steps are pretty simple. You can Skip down to "Running Honor Roll Reports". 
-=== ===== I. Configuring Honor Roll Reports  === == === 
-  - In SASI Modules, double-click the "Grade Reporting" Folder. 
-  -     Double-click on the "Grading" Folder.   
-  - Double-click the “Honor Roll/Eligibility” atom.   
-  - Click “Honor Roll” at the toolbar at the top of your screen and click “Honor Roll Report (GHD01)”.  
-== Configuring All A's == 
-  -  Click your All A Honor Roll under “Select Report”.   
-  -  For Mark, choose the grading period you want the honor roll for. This will probably be a “1” or “1st 6 weeks” or something like that.  
-  -  At the bottom of this screen you will see a “clear previous honor roll tags”. Check this box ONLY for an All A’s honor roll report.  
-  -  There is also an option for “Exclude student with blank marks”. That means any student who has a class with a blank grade will not be counted on the honor roll. Click that if it is your school's preference. 
-  -  Next click the Custom tab.  This screen will show you how the kids will be sorted. I would changing the third field to Last Name and change it to Ascending. There is also an “Output Options”. If you choose “Screen” this will give you the option to preview the report before it prints.  
-  -  Once you are done, you can click Save to save all your choices so you don’t have to configure them every time you run Honor Roll. It will bring allow you to save your configuration.  
-  -  Type a name for that honor roll, like All A’s, and click OK. That will put an icon on your SASI desktop called “All A’s”. 
-  -  Next you’ll want to go to the “Honor Roll/Eligibility” atom again and customize additional honor rolls. The process is the same as above, but the options are different.   
-  -  Click “Honor Roll” at the toolbar at the top of your screen and click “Honor Roll Report (GHD01)”.  
-== Configuring All A's and B's == 
-  -  Click your All A’s and B’s Honor Roll under “Select Report”.   
-  -  For Mark, choose the grading period you want the honor roll for. This will probably be a “1” or “1st 6 weeks” or something like that.  
-  -  At the bottom of this screen you will see a “clear previous honor roll tags”. **Do NOT check this for All A’s and B’s.** 
-  -  There is also an option for “Exclude student with blank marks”. That means any student who has a class with a blank grade will not be counted on the honor roll. Click that if it is your school's preference. 
-  -  Then Click on the Custom tab and configure it the same way you did for your All A’s honor roll. 
-  -  When you are finished, click Save to save this honor roll report. 
-  -  Type a name, such as “All A’s and B’s” and click OK. This will then place a new atom on your SASI desktop called “All A’s and B’s”.  
-You can now run these reports whenever you would like and all you will have to change every six weeks is the grading period on the Options screen.  
-=== II. Filtering Grade Levels === 
-Most elementary schools will want to run these honor rolls for only 3rd through 5th grades. In order to do so you have two options. 
-  -  When the report runs it will come up with a LOT of 1st and 2nd graders and you can just trash those papers or choose not to print those particular pages in your print options. 
-  -  You can create a filter that will only show you the 3rd through 5th graders for the time being so when you run your report; it will not print out the 1st through 2nd. These instructions are included below. 
-=== == Filtering so only 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders show == === 
-== Creating the Filter == 
-  -  In the Utilities folder, double-click on the “Query” atom.  
-  -  For the type of query, change it from DISPLAY to KEEP and then you can copy and paste the following query from this document into the query box.     ASTU Status IF Grade IN [03..05] 
-  -  Once you have this typed in, click “Save Filter” at the bottom. 
-  -  Type a name for the filter. Something like “Keep 3rd-5th” will remind you later what this filter is. 
-  -  Click OK. 
-  -  This will not only activate the filter, but it will save it for future use. 
-== Removing the Filter == 
-  -  To remove the filter open the “System Filter” folder on the bottom right corner of SASI.  
-  -  Click on the filter and hold the click, then drag it out of the folder. Once you drag it out, you can move it around anywhere on your desktop for later use. When you want to use it again, drag it back into the System Filter folder. 
-=== ======= III. Running Honor Roll Reports === ==== === 
-The basic process is this: 
-  - Put your filter in, if you are using a filter. 
-  - Run All A’s by clicking on your All A’s icon, run and then print your reports. 
-  - Run all A’s and B’s by clicking on your All B’s icon. 
-  - Remove filter. 
-**Remember to ALWAYS run the All A’s report before the All A’s and B’s.** Even if you have to rerun your honor rolls again because someone was missing from only the All A's and B's, you have to run BOTH again and All A's will always go first.  
-Don’t forget to take the filter out! 
-=== == IV. Tracking Honor Roll Every Six Weeks === == 
-If you wish to track students who make the honor roll every 6 weeks you MUST contact the SASIxp administrator once you have ran the Honor Roll Reports after EACH 6 weeks so they can run a special query at your school.  Keep in mind this will not tell you which honor roll the students were on, just if they were on either honor roll as many times you specify. At the end of the year run the following query to extract that list: 
-  DISPLAY  ASTU LastName FirstName \\ Grade IF UserNum3 = "5" Sort Grade 
-The number 5 is the number of times they were on the honor roll. You can change that number to suit your needs. 
sasixp/honor_roll_reports.1163080380.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/11/29 12:12 (external edit)