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sasixp:sasi_attendance_calendar_setup [2016/05/16 10:37]
jlester removed
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-==== SASI Attendance Calendar Setup ==== 
-Below is a list of each non-school day and how they should be marked in the attendance calendar. 
-== Holidays (H) == 
-  *Labor Day  
-  *Thanksgiving Break  
-  *Christmas/New Years Break 
-  *Memorial Day 
-== Other (O) Non-School Days == 
-  *Election Day 
-  *Spring Break 
-  *Teacher Workdays 
-  *Snow Days 
-  *Days before/after the first/last school day of the year 
-  *Any other non-planned cancellation  
sasixp/sasi_attendance_calendar_setup.1463409470.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/16 10:37 by jlester