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Hot Keys in SASI

For each of these hotkeys, hold down the CTRL key and then hit the key on the list.

A  - Add a record
I  - Gettom/Form Information
W  - Close a form
C  - Copy
X  - Cut (delete and copy)
D  - Duplicate
F  - Find a Record
G  - Find an atom again
N  - Create a new folder
[  - Go to the next record
]  - Go to the previous record
O  - Open a form
V  - Paste
P  - Print
Q  - Quit SASI
S  - Save a Record
M  - Show Start Dates in classes
Z  - Undo
Ctrl + left click - Show attendance attachment
sasixp/sasi_keyboard_hot_keys.1176902595.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/16 10:38 (external edit)