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SASI Locker Atom Information

I. General Information about the Locker atom

The Locker atom in SASI tracks locker combinations, locker locations and conditions, and locker assignments for students. The locker assignment information displays in both the Locker and Student atoms.

The Locker Atom is located in the “Non-Student Info” folder in “SASI Modules”.

You can store up to five locker combinations for each locker. In the “School” atom, under the “General” tab, the “Use Combination” field can dictate which combination the lockers use school-wide. If you select “Combination 3” then by default, it will use Combination 3 on every locker. You can override that option on a specific locker, in the “use combination” field in the locker atom.

II. Adding a Locker Record

  1. Open the Locker Atom. (It is in the “Non-Student Info” folder)
  2. Click “Data” on the menu bar at the top of the SASI screen.
  3. Click “Add Locker”.
  4. In the “Locker #” field, type a unique number for the locker, up to seven digits.
  5. You can now use the Tab key on your keyboard to tab through the different fields. You can choose the height, type, number of students who share the locker, grade range, etc. Note: When entering the Combinations if you want them to appear with hyphens, you must add the hyphens when you type it in.
  6. When you are finished entering the data for the locker, click “Save”.

III. Changing a Locker Number

  1. Open the Locker atom.
  2. In the “Locker #” field, type the locker you want to change.
  3. Click “Find” or press “Enter” on your keyboard.
  4. Click “Locker” on the menu bar at the top of the SASI screen.
  5. Click “Change Locker Number”.
  6. Type a new locker number in the “Locker #” field.
  7. If you want to make changes to any other fields go ahead and do so. When you are finished, click “Save”.

IV. Deleting a Locker Record

  1. Open the Locker atom.
  2. In the “Locker #” field, type the locker you want to delete.
  3. Click “Find” or press “Enter” on your keyboard.
  4. Click “Data” on the menu bar at the top of the SASI screen.
  5. Click “Delete Locker”.
  6. Click “OK” to delete the locker.

V. Reserving Lockers

  1. Open the Locker atom.
  2. Click “Locker” on the menu bar at the top of the SASI screen.
  3. Click “Mass Assign Lockers”.
  4. Click “Reserve Lockers”.
  5. In the “Locker #” fields, enter the range of locker numbers to be reserved. Note: You cannot reserve lockers that are already assigned to students.
  6. Click “OK” to reserve lockers.
  7. You should receive a message asking, “Reserving lockers may take a minute. Continue?” Click “Yes”.
  8. You should get a message telling you how many of the lockers chosen were reserved. Click “OK”

VI. Clearing Locker Assignments

  1. Open the Locker atom.
  2. Click “Locker” on the menu bar at the top of the SASI screen.
  3. Click “Mass Assign Lockers”.
  4. Click “Clear Locker Assignments”.
  5. In the options box choose if you want to “Clear default combination overrides” (resets the value of the use combination field in the locker atom to what is set in the “School” atom) or “Reserve if no other assignments” (Changes the status of a locker to reserved if the locker is no Out of Use or assigned to another student)
  6. If you want to clear locker assignments for a specific grade, gender, or group, click “Student Selection” and select your preferences.
  7. In the “Locker #” fields, enter the range of lockers you want to clear. If you want to clear all lockers, leave the “Locker #” fields blank. Note: If you put an entry in the first field only, the system will clear lockers greater than or equal to that number. If you put an entry in the second field only, it will clear lockers less than or equal to that number.
  8. Click “OK” to clear lockers.
  9. You should receive a message asking, “Clearing locker assignments may take a few minutes. Continue?” Click “Yes”.
  10. You should get a message telling you how many of the locker assignments were cleared. Click “OK”.

VII. Mass Assigning Lockers

  1. Open the Locker atom.
  2. Click “Locker” on the menu bar at the top of the SASI screen.
  3. Click “Mass Assign Lockers”.
  4. Click the “Assign Lockers” option.
  5. In the Grade, Gender, or Group fields, choose the students you want to assign the lockers to.
  6. In the “Locker #” fields, select the range of locker numbers to assign to selected students.
  7. In the “Options” section, select the way you want it to handle reserved lockers.
  8. In the “Allow 2 Students Per Locker” field, choose an option from the dropdown list.
  9. Click “Assign” to mass assign lockers.
  10. You should receive a message asking, “Assigning lockers may take a few minutes. Continue?” Click “Yes”.
  11. You should get a message telling you how many of the students were assigned lockers. Click “OK”.
sasixp/sasi_locker_atom_information.1167933944.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/16 10:36 (external edit)