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The following queries will help review SASI data due on the Spring report for accuracy. Be sure to always select “Show Inactive Records” when performing these queries as inactive students are to be included in this report.
NOTE: In queries that contain “ “ there is a space between each quotation mark.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName Passport
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName UserCd2 UserCd3
The UserCd2 (Residency Cd) field should be blank or 094 (Washington Co.) unless student resides in Johnson County, TN in which the code will be 888.
The UserCd3 (Tuition Tag) field should be blank unless student resides in Johnson County, TN in which the code will be 10.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName UserNum5
The UserNum5 field should be blank unless student resides in Johnson County, TN in which the code will be 9999.
DISPLAY AENR ASTU LastName FirstName 1,EnterCode 1,LeaveCode EffDate IF TransYear = XXXX
Most all E1’s should fall on the first day of the school year. If not, please check for accuracy.
Also check leave codes for accuracy.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName EthnicCode#
Every student should have an Ethnic Code.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName Gender
Make sure all males are marked M (Male) and all females are marked F (Female).
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName Birthdate
Check the Birth Date field for accuracy, in particularly the year of birth.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName FreeMeals# IF FreeMeals <> " "
This query will give you a list of all students who have either Free or Reduced marked in the Meals field.
DISPLAY AHLN ASTU LastName FirstName EngProf Language3 IF EngProf <> " "
If the EngProf (ESL) field in the Student Atom is greater than blank, the Language3 (Language Spoken to Student at Home) field in the Home Language Atom must be something other than English.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName Migrant if Migrant <> " "
Students should be marked Migrant unless they have a certificate of eligibility provided by the state of Virginia.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName Homeless IF Homeless <> " "
DISPLAY AGAT ASTU LastName FirstName GateDate General Specified# Visual PsyMotor if GateDate <> " "
The GateDate field should reflect the student’s date of referral. Any other field should contain information ONLY if the student is actually in the Gifted program.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName UserCd7 if UserCd7 <> " "
This should be blank for all students in middle or high school or any other school that is not a Title I school.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName Grade UserCd4# if UserCd4 IN [5,8,9]
The UserCd4 (Diploma Tag) field should contain one of the two (GED, GED/ISAEP, not GAD) if they are in a GED program only. This should be blank for students in elementary or middle school.
DAILY - Elementary and Middle ONLY
Display ASTU AATD ID LN FN AbsDate AbsCode1 AbsCode2 IF AbsDate > LeaveDate AND LeaveDate > " "
PERIOD - High Schools ONLY
Display ASTU AATP ln fn id status PeriodDate AllDayAbs IF PeriodDate > LeaveDate AND LeaveDate > " "
Due to a bug in SASI, if a student is marked absent, then withdrawn before the last absence date, those absences are still counted against the school. As a result there is a state funding penalty. No student should have absences after their withdrawal date. If you find these errors, you will need to contact the SASI administrator in the central office - you will not be able to fix these on your own.
DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName PctApport IF PctApport <> " "
Students containing a percentage amount in this field must be part time students taking two courses or less at your school.