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Course History is a means to monitor a student’s progress toward graduation. For middle schools there are only a few courses that receive credit and should actually be transferred to Course History (after each semester). They are Algebra I &II, Spanish I & II, Geometry, and World Geography. Sasi, however, doesn’t allow you to pick and choose in the Update Course History process. So, there are a few steps to take in preparation for this.
Clean Up!
Once everything is cleaned up and set up use the following query to skip any course that does not receive credit.
SKIP AGRD Status if CrdAttmpt = “ “ (there’s a space between each quotation mark)
With that filter active you will be ready to transfer to course history. Be sure that the following fields are marked in the Update Course History atom with the line of transfer highlighted.
Also, be sure to select the Update Current History option before transferring. This will alleviate the past problem of adding duplicate lines if you transfer more than once for the same term. If you do transfer more than once without selecting the Update Current History option it will create multiple records in Course History. If this happens call your SASI Support person at ext. 3060 for assistance.