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Problem: The entire screen of my terminal is black

  • Elo Terminals:
    • If the power light is green:
      1. Press one of the "Shift" keys to turn the screen on if it has been on for a while.
      2. If after pressing one of the "Shift" keys, the screen does not display anything, turn the power off.
      3. Verify that the power light is red.
      4. Make sure that the cable between the power cord and the black brick is secure. Then turn the terminal on. If this does not allow the terminal to start up, contact Information Systems.
    • If the power light is red, the terminal is off.
      1. Press the power button on the side. If the terminal does not turn on, contact Information Systems.
    • If the power light has no color:
      1. Make sure that the cable between the power cord and the black brick is secure. Then turn the terminal on. If the terminal does not turn on, contact Information Systems.
  • Stealth Touch Terminals:
    • If the power light is green:
      1. Press one of the "Shift" keys".
      2. If after pressing one of the "Shift" keys, the screen does not display anything, turn the power off.
      3. Verify that the green power light is out.
      4. Turn the power back on. If the entire terminal screen is still black, contact Information Systems.

Problem: The terminal program is running, but a message appears with the title "POSClient" and the message is "Network communication interrupted. Point of Sale closing."

  • The terminal program is likely experiencing network problems. To resolve this:
    1. Click OK.
    2. Double-tap the POSClient icon on the desktop to restart the terminal session. Sometimes it may be difficult to double tap. In this case, tap the icon once to highlight it (the text "POSClient" now appears to have dark blue around it), then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
  • If the network interruption happens more than two times on a terminal:
    • Please note if a message appears from the lower right hand corner from a computer with ))) beside it. It will say Wireless Network Connection is now connected. Connected to: wcs-data. Signal Strength: Excellent (or Good or Low)
    • Count the number of times that the network interruption happens on each terminal separately during a session. Call Information Systems with the count of interruptions per terminal and the time periods of your session.

Call Information Systems: 739-3060

school_nutrition_programs/troubleshooting.1358266773.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/15 11:19 by cedwards