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STEDfast Models

Benchmark Test Scores

Use this model to look at scores and related calculations. It includes measures that are not as easily calculable at the question and response level.


  • Benchmark Tests
  • Benchmark Tests (Grade Level, Subject, Period)
  • Benchmark Tests (Period Grade Level, Subject)
  • Courses
  • School Year Minis
  • School Year Quarters
  • Schools
  • Sections
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Time


  • Earned Points
  • Fail Count
  • Max Points
  • Pass Count
  • Pass Percentage
  • Score
  • Test Count

Benchmark Test Question Responses

Use this model when you need to look at individual questions and responses. Due to the varied nature of the questions and their responses, it is not possible to model the responses in a way that is usable beyond whether the question was marked correct or incorrect.


  • Benchmark Question Name
  • Benchmark Questions
  • Benchmark Tests
  • Benchmark Tests (Grade Level, Subject, Period)
  • Benchmark Tests (Period Grade Level, Subject)
  • Courses
  • School Year Minis
  • School Year Quarters
  • Schools
  • Sections
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Time


  • Earned Points
  • Max Points
  • Score
  • Test Count

Period Attendance

Use this model to look at period attendance


  • Attendance Codes
  • Courses
  • School Year Minis
  • School Year Quarters
  • Schools
  • Sections
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Time


  • Absence Count
  • Tardy Count

Daily Attendance

Use this model to look at daily attendance


  • Attendance Codes
  • School Year Minis
  • School Year Quarters
  • Schools
  • Students
  • Time


  • Absence Count
  • Tardy Count
stedfast/models.1380119455.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/25 10:30 by cedwards