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Quick Search Rules (How the search text is interpreted)

  1. All leading and trailing white space is immediately trimmed from their search parameters.
  2. If the criteria has all numbers, we search just on the relevant ID fields (student number)
    • If any alpha characters are present, we do not search numeric fields
    • If the parameter includes multiple words, we only search on name fields.
  3. Leading with a comma (e.g. ,Joe) searches first name contains whatever follows the comma.
  4. Ending with a comma (e.g. Anderson,) searches last name contains whatever precedes the comma.
  5. If the criteria has a single word, we search all fields for that one word.
  6. If the criteria has a comma and second word, we parse and search for last name equals characters before the comma and first name starts with characters after the comma
    • If there is a space and characters after the second word, we also include middle name in the search
  7. If there are more than two words separated by spaces but without a comma, we assign search words to name fields. First goes to first name (contains) and last word goes to last name (starts with). If there are more than two words, all words between first and last are assigned to middle name.
  8. Customers can include spaces in words by wrapping them with quotes. (e.g. “Joe Bob” Anderson will be a first name + last name search)
  9. For comparisons, all would be contains except when a comma is present in a multi-word query. In that case, the last name portion would be case-insensitive exact match.
powerschool/powerschool/quick_search.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/26 15:50 by jrhea