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Scheduling Setup

If students display classes for their current grade, rather than their future grade level, the next year grade setting is not set up properly.

Details To setup the next year grade, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Start Page > PowerScheduler > Functions.
  • Select "Auto Fill Student Information."
  • Fill in the correct next year grade, priority, schedule setting, and year of graduation.
  • Next Year Grade: For each column, enter the next year grade to indicate which students' information to change.

For example, enter 12 for eleventh graders who will be in the twelfth grade next year, and enter 12 in the next column for any returning twelfth graders.

  • Priority: Enter the scheduling priority for the students. For example, enter 1 for returning twelfth graders who need to be scheduled first, and enter a higher number for incoming ninth graders.
  • Schedule this student: Select either Yes or No to indicate if the students in each column should be scheduled or not.
  • Year of Graduation: Enter the year of graduation to indicate in which school year the student will graduate. For example, enter 2015 for twelfth graders graduating at the end of the 2015-2016 school year.
  • Submit the page.
powerschool/powerschool/schedule_setup.1463505144.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/17 13:12 by lokes