User Tools

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User Login Count

To see how often a staff member logs into PowerSchool, run a Custom Report.

From PowerSchool, go under Reports and select System Reports, then click the Custom Reports tab. Under Security, select User Login Count report.

Note: Teacher is the generic term used for a staff member. Specify the desired date range, number of logins, grade levels and login type for the login count.

  • Select the Group desired or leave as Any Group
  • Ensure the start date is changed from the default, 01/01/1990, to an appropriate date
  • Select 1 as the minimum number of logins to only report those that logged in at least once
  • Select the Teacher as the Login Type to show all staff members

The reported list can then be exported in multiple formats including MS Excel for analysis, or a PDF file to email as an attachment. Scroll to the right of the screen to see these options.

Finally, the option to Make these the active selection of teachers has multiple uses including all of the Group Functions available to PowerSchool.

powerschool/powerschool/userlogincount.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/25 10:12 by lokes