When the Record Attendance option on the Section Setup page is set to "Record Once for all Meetings" absences, tardies, and early dismissals are doubled for students enrolled in classes that span across multiple periods. This issue affects the Quick Lookup page, the Parent Portal, and report cards. The Absences recorded in each is a cumulative total of the Meeting Attendance count for each class. If Section attendance is not setup correctly the students attendance counts will be inflated.
Note for Guidance Counselors (Section Setup): When creating a new section for a class that spans across multiple periods (i.e. 1-2(A)) go to the line that reads "Record Attendance" and select "Each Meeting Separately" before the first day of class. If the section only meets for one period you can leave it to the default setting of "Once for each meeting".
PowerTeacher: Teachers should follow the instructions below when taking attendance for a class that spans across multiple periods.
Attendance Clerks (Updating Attendance): When updating a student's meeting attendance only make the change for the first period of a multi-period section.