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powerschool:powerteacher:ptoverview [2015/08/03 10:45]
powerschool:powerteacher:ptoverview [2023/10/12 11:24]
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-====== PowerTeacher Overview ======+====== PowerTeacher Login ======
-**To Log into PowerTeacher:**+==== Logging in to PowerTeacher ====
-  * new user must request a new account by filling out the on-line [[|Account Request form]].\\+  * Note that a new user must request a new account by filling out the on-line [[|Account Request form]].\\
   * Log into PowerTeacher at [[]].\\   * Log into PowerTeacher at [[]].\\
-  * Enter your Username and password, and then click on **Sign In**.\\ {{:powerschool:powerteacher:pt_login.png?100|}}+  * Enter your Username and password, and then click on **Sign In**.\\ {{:powerschool:powerteacher:login.png}}
-{{:powerschool:powerteacher:new_gradebook_launch.png}}+==== Navigating PowerTeacher ====
-The first time launching the Gradebook requires running the Installer.\\ +The PowerTeacher Start Page serves as the central point form which you begin your PowerTeacher session.  It consists of the following areas
-{{:powerschool:powerteacher:installer.png}} +  * Navigation bar 
-Follow [[.:PTLaunchInstaller|these]] instructions for more details.+  * ID bar 
 +  * Main menu 
 +  * Current classes
-Once you have logged into the Gradebook with the installer, click the **Launch** button after logging into PowerTeacher OR double-click the Gradebook icon installed on the desktop.\\  +==== Personalizing PowerTeacher ====
-{{:powerschool:powerteacher:new_launch.png}} +
-The LaunchGradebook will be downloaded. Double-click on the .ptg file to begin.\\ +=== To change your password: === 
-{{:powerschool:powerteacher:launch_download.png}}+  Navigate to **Start Page > Personalize** 
 +  - Click **Change Password** 
 +  - Enter the old password 
 +  - Enter the new password 
 +  - Verify the new password 
 +  - Click **Submit**
-{{:powerschool:powerteacher:pt2.8_title.png}}+*=== To set the default student screen=== 
 +  * Navigate to **Start Page > Personalize** 
 +  * Click **Default Student Screen** 
 +  * Select the screen from the Default Student Screen menu 
 +  * Click **Submit**
-Once inside Gradebook, the list of classes will be displayed along with student names.\\ +=== To show or hide the section numbers on the PowerTeacher Start Page: === 
-Be mindful of the reporting term or marking period and select from the drop-down menu for the current marking period. This should default to the current marking period from the devices’ date.\\ +  * Navigate to **Start Page > Personalize** 
-Also ensure the Current Classes are listed for the current year. **Example:** //Current Classes (14-15)// \\ {{:powerschool:powerteacher:kg_no_name_current_term.png}}+  * Click **Display Section Numbers** 
 +  * Select “yes” or “no” from the Display Section Number on PowerTeacher Home Page menu 
 +  Click **Submit**
-**For instruction on entering Kindergarten Standard Grades, click [[powerschool:powerteacher:kindergarten_standards|here]].**\\+==== Taking Attendance ==== 
 +It’s easy to take attendance in PowerTeacher. As soon as teachers take attendance, student attendance information becomes available to school administrators, parents, and students. 
 +  - Navigate to **Start Page > Chair** icon (next to the class for which you want to take attendance) 
 +  - Select the Date 
 +  - Select the Current attendance code 
 +  - Click the cell next to a student’s name to assign that code 
 +  - Click **Submit** 
 +  -  
 +*Note: Even if all students are presentteachers should click the Chair icon to open the attendance screen, and then click SubmitThis tells PowerSchool that the teacher has taken attendance. 
 +==== Viewing Student Information ==== 
 +Access the Student Information Screens by clicking the Backpack for a class, then clicking a student’s name. More than a dozen student screens are available through the Select Screens menu. The following table provides a brief explanation of the student information screens available in PowerTeacher. 
 +  - Navigate to **Start Page > Backpack** icon (next to the class you wish to view) 
 +  - Click a student’s name 
 +  - Select a screen
-**To Move Previous Grades to the Current Term:**\\ 
-There are shortcuts within Gradebook that can save some time. One such shortcut is to right-clicking on the Assignment column heading. This action will present a Copy / Paste drop-down menu.\\ 
-**Example:** //Copy a full column of grades from one Term (Q1) to another (Q2). This will give the option to continue the skills from the last snapshot.//\\  
-**For more on-line training, visit** 
powerschool/powerteacher/ptoverview.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/12 11:59 by jrhea