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PowerTeacher Overview

Logging into PowerTeacher

Log into PowerTeacher at Enter your Username and password, and then click on Sign In.

Once you have logged in, click the Launch button.

Java will start, and then click Run to start Gradebook.

Once inside Gradebook, the list of classes will be displayed along with student names. Be mindful of the reporting term or marking period. Select from the drop-down menu of Y1, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 for the current marking period. This should default to the current marking period from the devices’ date. Also ensure the Current Classes are listed for the current year. Example: (14-15)

For instruction on entering Kindergarten Standard Grades, click here.

To Move Previous Grades to the Current Term:
There are shortcuts within Gradebook that can save some time. One such shortcut is to right-clicking on the Assignment column heading. This action will present a Copy / Paste drop-down menu.
Example: Copy a full set of grades from one Term (Q1) to another (Q2). This will give the option to continue the skills from the last snapshot.

To Enter the Report Card Comment: (for Kindergarten Only)

  1. Select KG Social and Behavioral from the Current Classes list.
  2. Right-click in the Report Card Comment column corresponding to the student. The other options are to select Tools menu or type CTRL+SHIFT+I.
  3. Select Show Comment Inspector for a single entry or Fill Comments for the entire class.
  4. Type in the Comment or select a predefined comment number. Note the maximum number of characters allowed in the comment box.
  5. Click OK to close the Comment window.
  6. The student will have a blue C, , in the grade cell to signify a Comment has been added.
  7. The other comment fields work similarly, but will not currently show on the Progress Report Card.

To Proofread the Report Cards:

Note: Official report cards will be printed by the main office.

To view a sample of the student’s report card before they are printed:

  1. Select Reports from the Navigation Menu.
  2. Choose the name of the report. We are working to allow upper grades the ability to proofread their report cards, but currently Kindergarten Report Card Q1-Q4 is the only option from the drop down menu.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. The report will take a few moments to process. Running will be displayed during the process. When the report is finished, the status will change to Completed.
  5. Click View to display the report.
  6. Use the trashcan icon to dispose of the specific report, if desired.

For more on-line training, visit

powerschool/powerteacher/ptoverview.1419005244.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/19 11:07 by lokes