Excellent Attendance List and Certificate
Note: To get a list of students who have 1-3 absences the Search by Grades/Attendance will need to be ran twice. Once to get a list of students with 3 or less absences and again to narrow that list down to 1-3 absences.
On the PowerSchool Start Page select the group of students you want to work with
Example: Click All students or an individual grade
In the lower right corner, click on the drop-down Group Function arrow and select Search by Grades/Attendance OR Click on Attendance under Functions to see the same Search by Grades/Attendance
Adjust the parameters as shown below
Click Submit
The next page will be Group Functions
At the top of the Group Functions page, verify the number of students in the Current student selection:
and note the number in blue
If you would like to print certificates, choose Print Reports listed in the Group Functions options
Next to Which report would you like to print? choose Excellent Attendance Certificate
Adjust the parameters as you wish
You can verify that all students with 1-3 absences printed by cross referencing the certificates with the
Attendance Count report
powerschool/powerschool/excellentattendance.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/18 13:16 by lokes