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How to Transfer Students

NOTE: the Student Record Collection (SRC) report requires:

  • One enrollment record per student per school per record collection EXCEPT when Grade Level Code, Kindergarten Half-Day Flag, GED Program Code, Tuition Paid Code, Non-public student FTE, Intensive Support Services Code, Primary Disability Code, or Full Time Virtual Program code changes while still attending the same school. In these cases, a student MAY have more than one record per school per record collection.
  • This is especially true for the snapshot dates: 10/1, 3/31, and last day of school

During the School Year

For General Student Transfers, use these handouts as guidelines:

  • Use the latest enrollment record to transfer the student. Example: If they have a SASI record and a PowerSchool record. The PowerSchool record is the most recent enrollment.
  • When a request is received for a student at your school to be transferred, coordinate with the new school to transfer all the necessary records before working in PowerSchool.

For ALL Transfer Students,

  • The exit date must be recorded as the day AFTER the last day of attendance in the classroom. However; WCS students that are being transferred IN DISTRICT need to have a continuous enrollment across schools. The entry date of the new school then becomes the exit date for the previous school. All the attendance is recorded at the previous school before the transfer record request is received.
  • Note: If the student transfers during a school break, the exit date will be the first day the school is reopened. This also includes weather related closings.
  • Note: If the student is unable to attend the new school immediately, the enrollment dates must still reflect the actual date of attendance, not the date of intended attendance. Remember to adjust the start dates for each of the student's classes. View/Edit the dates on the All Enrollments page.
  • Same School Transfer: If the student is transferring classes within the same school, ensure the entry/exit dates are accurate as well. If the exit date is not considered carefully, all the grades and attendance records will be completely wiped out for the transferring student. Example: The Same School Transfer is used for students in Bridge. They are not transfered to APS currently.
  • Same School Transfer to show the Change in Grade level: If the student is promoted/demoted during the school year, select the option to Create a New Enrollment from the Functions page under Enrollments.
  • No Show: The definition of a No Show student is one who enrolled at a school but never showed up and has no days of membership. When No Show-ing a student in PowerSchool, as with all withdrawals, an exit code and exit comment (with the format of Abingdon HS, VA, etc) must be entered. All classes should be dropped and all attendance cleared before withdrawing students as well.
    • In addition to the above when no showing a student (using same withdraw date as the entry date) the entry code must be removed. Central Office PS technicians typically check for these and remove the entry code in mass if you forget.
    • To find inactive students without an exit code or comment please run the following searches throughout the year.
      • /Enroll_Status = 2;EntryDate >= 8/10/2016;ExitCode =
      • /Enroll_Status = 2;EntryDate >= 8/10/2016;ExitComment =
  • After 15 Day Drop: If the student has already reached the 15 days of absence before the transfer, record the exit date as the day after the official 15th absence. Record the exit code as W970 until a formal request is received from the transfer school and change the exit code to the appropriate one. If the student does not have an official transfer, a W880 code will be required.
  • Out of State: For a student transferring to/from TN, remember to update the Responsible Div/School (Trans Info), Tuition Codes (State Page), and District Of Residence (Trans Info)
  • Please identify the students that might have moved from TN to VA (or VA to TN) but their codes still need to be corrected using these searches:
  • * DistrictOfResidence=888;state=VA
    * DistrictOfResidence=094;state=TN
    * S_VA_STU_X.Tuition_Paid_Code=;state=TN
    * S_VA_STU_X.Tuition_Paid_Code=10;state=VA
    * S_VA_STU_X.Responsible_Division=888;state=VA
    * S_VA_STU_X.Responsible_Division=094;state=TN
  • Seniors: For transferring seniors that are not graduating, clear out the pre-recorded graduation date and other grad fields if the student is not an early graduate.

For Interchange & Residential Student Transfers,

  • Transfer from the school to APS for Melissa Sluss to enroll in classes. Work together with Special Services.

For Bridge & GED Student Transfers,
Please be aware that beginning with the 2017-18 school year all bridge and GED students will remain enrolled in the school (within PowerSchool) in which they are counted in membership. This will allow for more accurate data and an easier way for administrators to track their students' progress. Jennifer will be working with the enrollment clerks and guidance counselors on how to update these students' schedules when necessary.

  • The student is technically in the same school (home school) and not transferred to Bridge.
  • The student's classes are dropped and the coordinator works with the original school to schedule the student into the Bridge classes.
  • In the past, the attendance code "BRG" was used to show Bridge enrollment on the Attendance page.

During the Summer

Before the EOY Process (May-July)

  • Wait to transfer the student until the EOY Process is complete
  • Treat the student as a No Show in the fall and follow the steps below

After the EOY Process, and before the beginning of the year for IN DISTRICT Transfers (late July-early Aug)

  • Wait until after the EOY SRC has been completed and fully submitted
  • Transfer the student out via Functions
  • Enter enter the Transfer Comment, Exit Date (use the current date), Exit Code and Submit the page. You cannot use the first day of school (which typically constitutes a "no show") because that will not remove them from scheduling rosters. The SIS Technicians will mass change the exit dates to the first day of school once school starts making the record a "No Show".
  • Go to Transfer Info and remove the Entry Code and Submit the page.
  • From Functions, select Transfer to Another School and move the student record to the new In-District school.
  • The new school will then pick up the student and schedule for the fall.

After the EOY Process (normally performed first week of July), and before the beginning of the year for OUT of DISTRICT Transfers

  • Transfer the student after the new school has requested the transfer and the official cum folder has been sent.
  • The student will not be included in WCS enrollments for the fall.

All other students that are suspected to have transferred, but an official request has not been received

  • Register the student for the first day of new school year.
  • The student will be included on the 10 Day Enrollment report that starts on the first day of school.
  • Similar to the 15 Day drop rule, drop students who have yet to show up on the 10th day of school with a W970.
  • The student then becomes a No Show after 10 days have passed.
  • Always follow up on students for whom you've used a W970 exit code for.
  • If the student shows up before the 10th day, adjust the start date to reflect the students actual date they attended class.
powerschool/powerschool/transfers.1648487778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/28 13:16 by lokes