At times, finding a set of students with specific criteria is helpful. The following student searches can be performed on the PowerSchool start page. Multiple searches can be combined by adding a semicolon(;) between the search strings. Click here to list the students or export the list to a Microsoft Excel document.
Each Search command line is broken into 3 parts:
Example: last_name contains okes
(1) (2) (3)
Various PowerSchool Student Searches are listed in this attached document. various_powerschool_searches.docx
Alert Search
alert_medical# - Finds all students with a medical alert.
alert_other# - Finds all students with an other alert.
alert_guardian# - Finds all students with a guardian alert.
alert_discipline# - Finds all students with a discipline alert.
Birthday Search
*birthday = today - Finds all students whose birthday is today, matching only month and day.
*birthday = 5/1/@ - Finds all students whose birthday is May 1 of any year, for any specified date.
*birthday>=09/01;birthday⇐09/30 - Finds all the students whose birthday is in the month of September of any year.
/DOB=03/01/1995 - Finds all students whose birthday is specified date.
DOB<06/01/2001 - Finds all students who will turn 18 by the last day of school. Change the date accordingly.
Bus Search (customized for WCS)
bus_am1=100 - Finds all students that ride bus 100 in the morning during the initial run.
bus_am2=100 - Finds all students that transfer to bus 100 in the morning.
bus_pm1=100 - Finds all students that ride bus 100 in the afternoon during the initial run.
bus_pm2=100 - Finds all students that transfer to bus 100 in the afternoon.
Course Search
*has_completed_course = 9500 - Students who have completed a course - Select those students who have at least one entry of course 9500 on their 'historical grades' screen.
*has_not_completed = 9500 - Students who have not completed a course - Selects those students who do not have any entries for course 9500 on their 'historical grades' screen.
*has_not_completed = xxxx - Students who have not completed a course number, xxxx- Selects those students who do not have any entries for course xxxx on their 'historical grades' screen. Give a specific course number including the letters with the numbers. For example, 6120B.
*has_not_completed=6120B;*has_not_completed=6120;*has_not_completed=6120SB;*has_not_completed=6120S;grade=12 - Senior students that haven't taken the specific versions of Personal Finance
Credit Hours
*cumulative_credit_hours < 16 - Students with X amount of credits - Selects those students with fewer than 16 overall credit hours on their historical grades screen.
*number_of_classes < 6 - Students with X number of classes - Selects those students currently enrolled in fewer than 6 classes another example: *number_of_classes # 8 those students enrolled in less than or more than 8 classes.
*hours_requested < 7.5 - Requested Credit Hours - Students who have requested less than 7.5 credit hours.
Typically the Toggle key has a value 0/1 or False/True.
In this example, look at the full field name from the "View Field List."
chromebook_fee and purchased_chromebook_insurance are the actual variable names to search.
chromebook_fee#1 - lists ACTIVE students that did NOT pay the fee
UNFORTUNATELY, the chromebook_fee=0 does not work as expected. The zero value is tricky and can be interpreted as a blank; therefore, using #1 is a better search in PowerSchool.
chromebook_fee=1 - lists ACTIVE students that paid the fee
grade_level=9; purchased_chromebook_insurance#1 - lists ACTIVE 9th grade students that did NOT purchase the insurance
purchased_chromebook_insurance=1 - lists currently ACTIVE students that purchased the insurance
/purchased_chromebook_insurance=1 - lists ACTIVE and INACTIVE students that purchased the insurance
/S_VA_STU_X.Diploma_Type=3;S_VA_STU_X.Graduation_Date#;entrydate>=XX/XX/XXXX (where XX/XX/XXXX is the first day of school) - Students that earned an Applied Studies Diploma
/S_VA_STU_X.Diploma_Type=3;S_VA_STU_X.Graduation_Date#;entrydate>=08/10/2016;S_VA_STU_X.Primary_Disability_Code# - Special Ed Students that earned an Applied Studies Diploma
Directory Opt Out
Grade_Level=11;directory_opt_out= - Lists the students for the Military Recruitment Directory
/S_VA_STU_X.Disadvantaged_TF=true;entrydate>=XX/XX/XXXX (where XX/XX/XXXX is the first day of school)
/exitcode contains W8; entrydate >= 8/10/2015; exitdate ⇐ 5/20/16
NOTE: Use the appropriate year in your search
Early College Scholars
S_VA_STU_X.Early_College_Scholar_ProgCode=1 - Students that completed program agreement
S_VA_STU_X.Early_College_Scholar_ProgCode=2 - Students that earned a certificate
EL Services
S_VA_STU_X.ESL_Code=1 - Current students receiving EL or ESL Services
Email Search
GuardianEmail = <specific email address>
cntX_email = <specific email address> (where X is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
ecntX_email = <specific email address> (where X is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
Email Search - Returns a list of students with the specific email address listed in their contact information found in the specified field.
Entry Code
EntryCode # E119
Please run this search at your school to get a list of students with potential Entry Code errors. If you find that they did not attend school elsewhere in the current school year, before starting at your school, please change the Entry Code to E119. We will need confirmation of any corrections before submitting enrollment records to the VDOE to update STI's.
Enrollment Search
*not_enrolled_in_period=1 - Students not enrolled in a period - Selects those students not currently enrolled in a period 1 course.
*enrolled_in = 9500 - Students in a course - Selects those students enrolled in course 9500 in the current term.
*enrolled_in = 9500.08 - Students in a course and section - Selects those students enrolled in section 08 of course 9500.
*not_enrolled_in = 9500 - Students not in a course - Selects those students not currently enrolled in course 9500
*not_enrolled_in = 9500.08 - Students not in a course and section - Selects those students not currently enrolled in section 08 of course 9500.
Foster Care
S_VA_STU_X.Foster_Care_Flag_TF=true - Returns active students marked with the flag to indicate in Foster Care
S_VA_STU_X.Foster_Care_Flag_TF#true - Returns active students not marked with the flag to indicate that they're in Foster Care
/S_VA_STU_X.Gifted_Code#;entrydate>=8/9/23 - Returns all GATE students that attended this school year
S_VA_STU_X.Gifted_Code# - Only returns currently active GATE students
Gifted Referral
/S_VA_STU_X.Gifted_Referral_TF=1;entrydate>=8/9/23 - Returns all Gifted Referral students that attended anytime this school yearS_VA_STU_X.Gifted_Referral_TF=1 - Only returns currently active Gifted Referral students
grade_level in 9,11 - Returns only the students in the 9th or 11th grades
For searches on immunizations and other Health related information, go to PowerSchool Health Searches and Reports
Inactive Student Search
/*as_of = 9/15/98 - Active Students - Returns a list of all students who were 'active' on that day active meaning enrolled on or before and exited on or after.
/*as_of=1/1/2009;lastfirst contains Abelseth - Returns all the students with that name enrolled on the specified date.
/*as_of=1/1/2009;student_number=960905442 - Returns the student enrolled on the specified date with the specific student ID number.
If you know an attendance date, you can find anyone that attended a WCS school after 8/13/2008.
*as_of = mm/dd/yyyy;Last_Name = xxxxxx - Returns the previous year student with the specific last name. Useful when adding test scores. Where mm/dd/yyyy is a date that the student was enrolled at the school and xxxxxx is the students last name. It will bring up a list of students with that last name that was enrolled at the school on that date.
Initial Primary Nighttime Residential Code
/EntryDate >= 8/24/2020;S_VA_STU_X.Primary_Nighttime_Res_Code # - Finds students enrolled in the 2020-21 school year that are marked with an Initial Primary Nighttime Residence Code. It will include no shows, if you've already withdrawn any students.
Period Search
^(*period_info;XX;teacher_name) - The XX would be the expression like 2(A) for 2nd hour
Displays the name of the teacher for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;course_name) - Displays the name of the course for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;course_number) - Displays the number of the course for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;current_citizenship) - Displays the current citizenship grade for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;current_grade;YY) - Displays the current grade for the specified period in the specified term
^(*period_info;XX;current_percent;YY) - Displays the current percentage grade for the specified period in the
specified term
^(*period_info;XX;room) - Displays the room number for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;section_number) - Displays the section number for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;teacher_comment) - Displays any teacher comments for the specified period
^(*period_info;XX;teacher_i_<field name>) - This special _i_ version can pull any field from the teachers table.
Example: ^(*period_info;3(A);teacher_i_last_name)
Permission to Attend Search
Perm_Attend# - Displays the list of students marked on the Custom Screens - Important SASI Fields as Permission to Attend for Washington County Schools
Phone Number Search
- Phone Number Search - Use the Custom Reports. Click here for instructions.
PK Funding
/entrydate >=8/10/2016; S_VA_STU_X.PK_Experience_Code=3 - Lists students coded with VPI funding
/enroll_status=-1 - Lists all the students that have been Pre-Registered
Primary Nighttime Residential Code
/S_VA_STU_X.Primary_Nighttime_Res_Code#; entrydate >= 8/8/18 - Finds the annualized number of homeless students
*number_of_classes=0 - Lists students without a schedule. Change 0 to any number of classes.
Special Ed Searches
VA_Primary_Dis_Code# - Finds all students in the Special Education program.
grade_level>=3;va_primary_dis_code# - Finds all students in 3, 4 and 5 grade with a Primary Disability
/VA_Primary_Dis_Code#;exitcode contains W8; entrydate >= 8/10/2015; exitdate ⇐ 5/20/16 - Finds SpEd dropouts
/entrydate >= 8/10/16; VA_Sp_Ed_Per>49 - Finds students with Special Ed Weekly Time Percentages of 50% and above
entrydate>8/25/2024 - Finds all of the students that have transferred in as of today's date [i.e. 8/25/24].
/exitdate>8/7/2024; exitdate<6/1/2025 - Finds all of the students that have transferred out during the school year. This search is useful for locating the transfer out date for the *as_of= search to see inactive students.
/entrydate>8/7/2024;enroll_status>0 - Find students transferred out since the start of the school year
zip not in 24210,24211 - Finds all of the students out of the zip codes listed used to identify Out of Zone students
For search tips related to the state data fields used for the Student Data Collections, go to State Reporting
To find a list of fields, click on the View Field List link from the Start Page:
Start typing any part of the field name and the options will be displayed.