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Homebased and Homebound

Official paperwork must be referenced for the exact start and end dates of the Homebased/Homebound enrollments. Please coordinate with Special Services, Enrollment clerks, Guidance, and Attendance clerks to ensure this information is accurate. Note: The end date of the enrollment is the day AFTER the last day of HMB or HBS.

We must handle Homebased (Administrative Homebound) and Homebound students in the following ways to maintain their current schedules while they are being tutored away from the classroom. Remember, these students still need to have a schedule assigned to them and grades are collected for these students.

If a student enters into Homebound/Homebased on the first day of enrollment, DO NOT create a new line of enrollment. These students might be previously entered as a No Show enrollment.
Follow these instructions: How to create a first day enrollment.

If a student enters into Homebound/Homebased on the first day of enrollment following a transfer into our district, DO NOT create a new line of enrollment. Simply add Homebound or Homebased to the end of the entry comment and adjust the Serving Division and Serving School accordingly.
Example: VCU Medical Center VA - Homebound

If a student enters into Homebound/Homebased after their first day of enrollment, you must create a new line of enrollment.
Follow these instructions: How to create a second enrollment.

If a student receives a PRIMARY DISABILITY enrollment while in Homebound/Homebased, you must create a new line of enrollment while maintaining the Homebound/Homebased Serving Division and Serving School.
Follow these instructions: How to create a PRIMARY DISABILITY enrollment while in Homebound/Homebased.

If a student returns to School from Homebound/Homebased, you must create a new line of enrollment.
Follow these instructions: How to create a returning enrollment.

If a student transfers to a School outside of the District from Homebound/Homebased, you must???
Follow these instructions: How to create a transfer enrollment.

Finally, confirm the enrollment and attendance dates match. Confirm with the official paperwork for the exact dates of the Homebased/Homebound enrollment.
Follow these instructions: How to address the HMB attendance.


To locate all your active Homebound/Homebased students, use the following search: transferComment contains homeb

To locate all your active and inactive Homebound/Homebased students, use the following search:
/transferComment contains homeb; entrydate >= FIRSTDAYofSCHOOL

Or use the Attendance Count report to find all students with at least one of the HMB or HBS attendance codes.

powerschool/powerschool/homebasedhomebound.1491323773.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/04 12:36 by lokes